Tips and Statistics
- Every 14 seconds a home is entered by a burglar in the U.S.
- 3 out of 5 homes are occupied when burglaries occur
- A home fire occurs in the U.S. every 1 minute, 12 seconds
- Over 35% of all robbers use firearms to commit their crimes
You can help increase the safety and security of you, your family, your home and your belongings with some basic awareness:
- At night, avoid areas with no lighting
- Travel in pairs or groups to parking areas or use a police escort
- Always lock your vehicle and keep valuables out of sight
- Store valuables in a secured area at home and at the office
- Lock your office and home when leaving them unattended
- Report suspicious persons or activities immediately
- Report threatening or suspicious telephone calls
Click here to download or view our Home Security Checklist.
Information courtesy of National Crime Prevention Council
Let us protect you, simply fill out our contact form. Or give us a call at 281.217.2228 for more information.